The Montessori method of teaching young children has


changed very little since Maria Montessori came up with


her theories and developed her material's nearly 100


year's ago.


Montessori changed the way young children would be


educated forever.  Children really are amazing, they are


like sponges and take everything in, the more children


learn the more they want to learn.  They love to repeat


exercises, every time they do they learn something new


and they also develop their concentration.  In the


montessori classroom there is only one of each exercise,


so children also learn about having patience and taking




There are montessori schools all over the world, and


although the children from different countries and


continents may learn some things differently, if they're


culturally specific and of course languages.  The


montessori materials are the same worldwide as are the


philosophies and methods.


Maria Montessori respected children and treated them


with respect.  Her theories and philosophies came about


through all her years of observing children.


Montessori saw the child as a whole


with parts, so she aimed to meets all of the needs of


each individual child, their emotional, physical,


intellectual and spiritual needs.


In Montessori children learn an amazing amount of new


things.  They learn about everyday things in practical life,


so they can take care of themselves and their


environment.  In sensorial they learn through isolated


senses, so each sense is refined.  They also learn about


history, geography and science, on a broad sense.


Nature, which Montessori said should not just be taught


to children but should be experienced by them.  They also


learn about, maths, language, botany and zoology.


.“Whoever touches the life of the child, touches the most sensitive point of a whole which has roots in the most distant past and climbs towards the infinite future.” Maria Montessori